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Author Guidelines

Article Format and Guidelines

Authors should follow the article formatting guidelines before submitting the manuscript. Make sure that authors are including the key sections that present in the article.

Title: Title of the manuscript must be unique, concise and it should represent the content of the manuscript.

Authors: Mention all the authors who were involved in writing of the manuscript with complete affiliation details. Please highlight the corresponding author.

Abstract: Research articles and Case Reports should give the reader the importance of research and why the study was done. It should be a brief with not more than 200 words. Authors should explain main objectives, methodology used and results concisely. Citations should not be mentioned in the abstract section.

Keywords: Keywords will be used to index the article to make the article more visible. Authors should use the most relevant keywords that describe their manuscript.

Main Text

The main text should be concise to make it easy to read. For Research and Case Reports the following format will be most appropriate:

Introduction: This should be brief and explain the essence of the issue being investigated as well as its context. It should also place the work in the context of previous studies, with citations to relevant sources.

Methods: The Methods section should be as brief as possible while still containing all of the elements required for analysis and reproduction of the findings. This section should provide enough information about the experiment, simulation, statistical test, or study used to derive the findings such that the process and results can be replicated by another researcher. Authors are encouraged to deposit a concise overview of their study's protocols in a protocol sharing network of their choosing.

Results: In the results section, the study's comprehensive findings and outcomes should be reported. Tables and figures should be counted sequentially, and they should be cited in the text in the appropriate places. A detailed legend/caption should be included in all tables and figures.

Discussion: This section should explain the importance of the findings and relate them to previous research using applicable references.

Conclusion: This section should be used to emphasise the work's novelty and importance, as well as any potential plans for relevant work.

Acknowledgments: Anyone who helped with the research or writing of the article should be acknowledged in this section. Please be specific on how they contributed.

References: The journal follows Harvard alphabetical Style. The author's name appears in the text alongside the year of publication, e.g. (John 1988). When there are only two writers, the text should have both names, e.g. (John and Jakob 1988). If more than two authors are mentioned, only the first name should be listed, followed by et al: (John et al., 1988). Different works by the same author or group of writers published in the same year should be distinguished by adding a, b, or other letters after the date (e.g. 1988a).

All the references should be listed alphabetically at the end of the article.

Please mail us at if you have any query regarding article formatting.

Submission: Manuscripts can be submitted through online by registering or can be submitted to our E-mail at as an attachment.

Article Publication Charges

All papers published by Frontiers in Medical Case Reports (FMCR) are immediately open access and freely accessible online. This is made possible by article-publication charges (APCs) 1200 GBP, which cover the full spectrum of services we provide. This involves providing editors and writers with online resources, article development and hosting, coordinating with abstracting and indexing providers, and providing customer support.

We provide discounts/waivers to those who are unable to pay the APC due to a lack of funds. The request can be made during the submission only. Please contact us at to request a waiver or discount.