FRONTIERS IN MEDICAL CASE REPORTS - Volume 2; Issue 2, (Mar-Apr, 2021)
Pages: 1-02
Date of Publication: 30-Mar-2021
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Pulmonary Necrosis in a COVID-19 Patient
Author: Luis Enrique Núñez Moscoso, Giovanna Zúñiga Lazo, Karin Pacheco Trigozo
Category: Medical Case Reports
Male patient 48 years old that have been evaluated for tracheitis in July 24th with few alteration. That week begins with fever, malaise, cough and difficulty breathing. That time he was attended in a local private institution for 5 days. There he took a chest tomography at August 1st. Laboratory findings showed ferritin level of >2000 ng/ml; C reactive protein 85 mg/L and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio >3. Discharged to home in the next days began to present hemoptisis so he comes to our hospital at August 25th. It was practiced a SARS-CoV-2 quick test that gave IgG (+). It has been made another chest tomography that showed a great cavitation with lobar and segmentary bronchus communication. He was evaluated by thorax surgery physician for posibility of surgical treatment.
Keywords: COVID-19, Necrosis
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Male patient 48 years old that have been evaluated for tracheitis in July 24th (Fig. 1: Chest rx) with few alterations. That week begins with fever, malaise, cough and difficulty breathing. That time he was attended in a local private institution for 5 days. There he took a chest tomography (Fig. 2) at August 1st. Laboratory findings showed ferritin level of >2000 ng/ml; C reactive protein 85 mg/L and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio>3. Discharged to home in the next days began to present hemoptisis so he comes to our hospital at August 25th. It was practiced a SARS-CoV-2 quick test that gave IgG (+). It has been made another chest tomography (Fig. 3) that showed a great cavitation with lobar and segmentary bronchus communication. He was evaluated by thorax surgery physician for posibility of surgical treatment.

Figure 1: Chest Rx

Figure 2: Thoracic CT Scan

Figure 3: Thoracic CT Scan