FRONTIERS IN MEDICAL CASE REPORTS - Volume 2; Issue 1, (Jan-Jun,2021), Cancer Case Reports
Pages: 01-03
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Transoral Excision of a Pedunculated Pleomorphic Sarcoma
Author: Blanca Alonso Martinez, Paula Martinez Pascual, Ricardo Hitt Sabag, Juan Cantón de Seoane
Category: Cancer Case Reports
A 38-year-old man presented to the emergency department with a 2-month history of dysphagia and shortness of breath. He also reported a foreign body sensation in the throat. A pedunculated pleomorphic sarcoma was diagnosed and an oral excision was made.
Keywords: Transoral Excision, Pleomorphic Sarcoma, Pedunculated
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A 38-year-old man presented to the emergency department with a 2-month history of dysphagia and shortness of breath. He also reported a foreign body sensation in the throat.
The patient was evaluated by an Otolaryngologist, where 4 cm pedunculated mass of a smooth surface annexed to the lower portion of the left palatoglossus muscle was found in the oral cavity. A cervical CT sagittal section with intravenous contrast showed a solid, poly-lobulated, a clearly defined lesion of approximately 2x3x2.6cm of anteroposterior, transverse and longitudinal axes respectively. It arose from the free edge of the epiglottis (Image 1 coronal section). The cervical nodes were within normal size and were not suggestive of malignancy (Image 2 sagittal section).
The lesion was excised by transoral surgery and the entire sample was sent for analysis. Pathological analysis of the mass revealed an undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma with free disease resection margins (Image 3).