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FRONTIERS IN MEDICAL CASE REPORTS - Volume 3; Issue 3, (May-Jun, 2022)

Pages: 1-07

Guillain–Barré Syndrome with MFS and AMSAN Variants: A Rare Case

Afnan. W. M. Jobran, Ranin F. F. Alawi, Majd A. AbuAlrob, Anis Munir Naser

Category: Medical Case Reports

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Background: The immunologically mediated polyneuropathies Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) and Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) are important clinically. It is assumed to have a hereditary component, although no genetic risk locus has been identified. It's thought to be autoimmune, but the causes are unknown. It might be generated by molecular mimicry, such as from pathogens and vaccines, but hosting factor and co-founding host reactions would undoubtedly alter disease incidence and course. Case Presentation: A 57 year old female, three weeks after influenza vaccination she started complaining of double vision, left eye ptosis, dizziness, and bilateral symmetric upper and lower extremities weakness which described as “feeling sleepy”, both proximal and distal muscles are equally affected. The patient sought medical advice, ophthalmology examination and radiological imaging were free. Conclusion: AMSAN is recently identified GBS variant characterized by sensory symptoms, loss of deep tendon reflexes, and distant weakness with immediate onset.

Keywords: Guillain–Barré, Immune Response, Axonal Neuropathy, Polyradiculoneuropathy


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